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Scenario-Based Learning

Beginning in the year 2015, Area initiated a research project (internal and extra muros) that resulted in a prototype and turned into a real product as of 2021. The company markets through its own a product site and through a network of domestic and international partners.

What is Avatar

AVATAR is a highly flexible and customizable Situation-Based learning VR platform. It is enhanced by advanced artificial intelligence features for emotion recognition and stress analysis. AVATAR enables the development of a “rapid e-learning” model whose approach is based on content, scenarios and two-way feedback.

Value added

An interactive experience adapted to the user in real-time

Avatars are intelligent characters within virtual reality created with computer graphics software and artificial intelligence, capable of behaving like a human being in a realistic environment.

The Avatar recreates behaviors and scenarios. Using artificial intelligence, it can interact in several specific domains with verbal and nonverbal language.

It understands our mood and evaluates responses accordingly.